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Challenge Yourself:
Try the best sport on Campus
Archery is a very accessible and diverse sport, with a strong emphasis on personal achievement and improvement whatever your level of skill. The UEAC is a friendly, relaxed club and we welcome new members with or without any prior experience of archery.
We run a beginners’ course during the first six weeks of term that equips new members with the skills and safety knowledge to start shooting at club training sessions. You can come along to shoot just to relax by yourself or with your friends, or, if you are interested in shooting competitively, we can support you in your development and provide coaching leading up to many local and national competitions held regularly throughout the year.
You'll undoubtedly make many new friends along the way and although archery is a primarily singular sport, we do encourage team and friendship building to further enhance your archery experience with us.
Look out for the next Stash Drop!
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