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Are there any clothing regulations?In our sessions, we ask that you don't wear open shoes (flip-flops, sandals, etc.), and tie long hair up. Any dangly piercings or jewellery around your neck, chest or ears should be taken out or taped over to prevent it getting caught by the bowstring. In larger competitions such as BUCS, or national competitions, blue jeans and any camouflage items of clothing are forbidden, and could end in you not being allowed to shoot.
Can I try archery without a membership?For insurance purposes, a membership is required to try out archery outside of our designated taster sessions during Welcome Week.
When can I shoot with you?Our membership is a one-off payment giving you access to any sessions in the week that we organise. You can go to just one a week, to every session that is running at no extra cost.
Do you have regular socials?We have a large range of social events planned for this year, ranging from pub quizzes, board game socials, bowling and escape games! Keep an eye out on our social media pages to get the latest updates, and be the first to get tickets to our socials!
How much is membership for the year?Our yearly membership costs 92.50 for the year. You can purchase it over at FIXR:
Why is membership so expensive, and what does it include?We're proud to be one of the Exeter University Sports Clubs with the cheapest membership fee. When you purchase membership with us, you have unlimited access to: - All our sessions. - Coaching with our club coaches if you're looking for advice. - Beginner's course sessions to get you ready to shoot. - Any equipment that you may need to get you shooting at our sessions. - Entry to competitions covered by the club. - Access to our squad tryouts for more coaching and competition preparation.
I'm a member with another archery club but am at university in term-time. Do you have an associate membership?Unfortunately, associate membership isn't something that we currently offer. If you're at university in term-time, we'd suggest purchasing full membership with us, and checking if your local club offers associate membership.
Do you do termly membership?As of current, we have a membership for the first term, costing 67.13. You can purchase it over at FIXR:
Do I need to complete a beginner's course to join the club?If you've never completed a beginner's course and this is your first time shooting a bow, then yes it is required. If you've been a member of another club, in the UK or elsewhere, and have been deemed safe to shoot, please get in touch with us so that we can arrange to watch you shoot and make sure that you're ok to shoot independently at our sessions.
What can I shoot during the beginner's course?During the beginner's course, we teach you the basics of recurve archery in terms of technique, to provide a solid foundation to your skills as an archer. Many members decide after their beginner's course that they'd like to switch to barebow, compound, horsebow or longbow, which we encourage, and strive to provide coaching in those styles too.
How much does the beginner's course cost?If you need to complete a beginner's course, it is included in your yearly membership, so no need to pay anything else!
When is the next beginner's course?Due to coaching shortages, we currently only run one beginner's course. It starts the week after Welcome Week, and runs for up to 8 weeks.
What distances can I shoot at?We have two seasons: our indoor and outdoor season. The indoor season is from September to April, during which our range is limited to distances between 8 yards and 20 yards, depending on the session. The outdoor season starts in April, and is until the end of the academic year. Our range is equipped for any distances up to 70 yards.
I want to buy my own bow. What would you suggest?Glad to hear it! As you'd imagine, buying your own bow is a bit of an investment. We've got a handy guide over here to help point you towards buying your own kit! Of course, don't hesitate to ask our committee, coaching team or members, they'll be happy to help!
What competitions can I participate in?We're proud to support our club members in a variety of different competitions, ranging from club competitions all the way to AGB (our national governing body) national competitions. The competitions our members regularly attend are: - Club Champs - SWWU (South West and Wales Universities) - DCAS (Devon and Cornwall Archery Society) - GWAS (Grand Western Archery Society) - BUCS (British Universities and Colleges Sport) - AGB (Archery Great Britain) National Indoor and Outdoor Events Our SCO (Squad Competition Officer) will be arranging these over this year, for any more information do get in touch!
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